I know that sounds like a silly question, but to me trying to hide an aircraft by painting a certain color sounds silly.
Let's consider the green camos on say a VN era Thud. In the air, the camo is useless. So, is it's purpose to help hide it while it's on the ground? I can't imagine an enemy pilot NOT being able to see it. Even if it is camoed. If he can't, maybe he shouldn't be flying anyway.
What about the lizard camo on the A-10? It's camoed on the top and bottom. Is that in case the aircraft lands upside down?
What about no camo? The USAF bare metal aircraft? Why were they not painted at all?
What about the newer low viz schemes?
Not trying to be a pain, but for as long as I've been into aircraft, I could never understand why they went to great extreams to paint these aircraft this way when, in reality, it can't possibly help that much.
Dana F