Before I get going, I would like to point out that the fault is with me and my building skills and not the kit.
The fault is somewhere under the trailing edge of the wing root. It could be that a part is just slightly misaligned in the wing structure in this area or the cockpit section not seated properly to the bottom wing section.
I can't tell properly without stripping everything down and I have caused enough split and tearing to the wing tip during separation to warrant either a major repair job if possible, or just mark it down to a lesson learned and scrap it, get another and start again!
Here you can see the gap. it is with the fuselage and not the wing. my work on the wing was correct.
I have tried correcting it with glue and clamping, but even when the glue has gripped and cured it springs apart. this means to me that there is something wrong further in where I can't see. Everything else lines up OK!!!!
I am reluctant to try superglue as I am not sure that it has the tensile strength, and besides when it is clamped in place there is a slight twist to the fuselage.
This is me at my best when I **** up!
I Have an idea to fudge things by cutting a chunk of the upper wing out which would give me room to mess with to align things and hide the botch. It will also allow me to display one of the fuel tanks etc
Believe it or not.... the starboard fuselage looks just fine!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone has suggestions etc.... please join in!