I took a little break from the bench for awhile. Long work hours have left me somewhat unmotivated. It happens with me sometimes. Last night I shook off the cobwebs and sat down to get some work in on this turkey. I started by firing down some Alclad Duraluminum, which is my standard base NMF for "combat" aircraft. It's not too shiny nor too dull.
Now I tape off some panels and use different shades of Alclad. I sprayed the wings Aluminum as they were painted Aluminum lacquer at the factory. I taped off the gun doors and some other random panels which will get various shades. I start with Dark Aluminum.
I like to tape off the little line of rivets on the doors which leaves a nice effect after sprayed.
It's subtle but noticeable.
The final effect of the different shades. To my horror I had some issues with paint lifting on the starboard wing. It's the first time ever I've ever had this problem using Alclad. Apparently I did nor prep this area well enough. I sanded and resprayed the affected areas.
I then turned my attention to the flaps. I always have trouble with the red "no step" decals. Tamiya's offering are thick and unforgiving and the aftermarket versions never seem to look right to me. This time I decided to try and paint them on. After sprayng them both White Aluminum, I used the Tamiya decal as a size reference and taped the red area off thusly.
XF-7 Flat Red with a touch of XF-1 Flat Black..
Very pleased...
Now it's time for the anti-glare panel. I sprayed it XF-69 NATO Black for starters. I then added some white to fade it a bit. I then went back and hit the panel lines and rivets very lightly with straight XF-1 Flat Black. I'm pretty darn happy with the effect. I'm having P-61 ideas....
That should do it for the paint scheme. I may spray the rudder gray to simulate the dope material. I did spray the prop hub Polished Aluminum.