Yes, I'm a sucker for Eduard limited edition Luftwaffe kits. Since it's the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, I figured it was finally time to do one of Adolf Galland's BoB mounts. (I have some British subjects coming up.) The Adlerangriff 1/32 kit has some very interesting schemes, including the unique and snappy WNr. 4820 from late August 1940.
The charismatic "Dolfo" Galland needs no introduction, having been the leading Luftwaffe ace of the BoB and eventually becoming the general in charge of the Lufwaffe's fighters. No collection is complete without one of his planes (at least mine isn't).
I really like the schemes that Eduard included in this kit. Galland's is particularly interesting because it's non-standard and I hadn't seen it before. I was able to track down a photo from before it received the yellow wingtips and tail feather tips.
I'd be interested is anyone has or knows of any photos of the plane after it got its yellow details. I couldn't find any and don't know where else to look.
That being said, Eduard's 1/32 kit is pretty nice overall, with resin wheels, nice decals, and all the usual Profipack goodies. The downside is there's quite a bit more flash on the parts than typical for an Eduard kit in my experience. The tooling came out in 2009 so it may be an artifact of the age of the kit. In any event, there will be some extra clean up required on the fuselage nose, wings and wing-fuse interface to deal with the molding issues.
The plan is to use Mr. Color paints and I'll add Master barrels for the armament. I just finished the office using the usual approach and am happy with the details and Eduard PE additions.
Buttoning up the fuselage is next.