I couldn't choose a specific aircraft or spacecraft. I would like to experence all
of them. Everyones has good taste on what they have chosen, and others have
told of the many opportunities to fly in the older warbirds. For those who want
to be a pilot, (the first step) that will get you where you want to go.3,000-4,000
is the cost for all this fun.working with preservation organizations like the CAF
will help as well along with letting you crawl through a 1:1 operating model of
your favorite. AT an airshow I paid 5.00 to sit in a P-51 Cockpit for 10 minutes
and enjoyed it emencely. Lord knows How I would have felt if they would have
let me take it for a spin! Owning a plane or a warbird is an amazing experience
wether a P-51 or a Cessna 182E (the one airplane I did Own). I have my eye on
a T-38 and/or a AH-1F I saw in a sales paper for aircraft for only 1.2 mill each. It's
a good price and it could work except I'm 1.2 mill short! Oh but to dream............