After 50 + years of building models of one type or another, I don't think there many modeling disasters that I haven't participated in. Over the years I've managed poke, slash, rip, slash and even bore holes in my body. I've spilled more than one bottle of paint/thinner/liquid glue over an open model box, desk top, rug, floor and even myself. Over the years, I've lost enough styrene to the Rug Monster or the Fifth Dimension to build a couple of dozen models. I've glued parts together and then discovered they're in the wrong place well after they've dried. Put parts together backwards or upside down (it happens when you follow one of the aircraft mechanics basic rules - "When all else fails, read the instructions"). I've had shelves full of models collapse, even sat on a just completed model. My wife, my kids and their friends and our assorted pets over the years have all participated in the mayhem in one form or another.
Over the years, the disasters have become less violent and much farther apart (See, I can learn from my mistakes - unfortunately I sometimes have to be hit between the eyes with a 2 by 4 to get my attention). Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find some debonder so I can get the super glue that is holding three fingers on my left hand together removed.