Here's the project I've been working on for a while. I open other kitboxes and look at the innards, but I stick to this one 'til she's done. Here's the classic old kit box, in case you've never seen it:
It comes in other schemes and has been done many times by ESCI, Italeri and Airfix. I would have thought Italeri got the old ESCI molds and added a few bits to them, but research and comparisons of the two kits says no. I still suspect the ESCI inspired the Italeri version and either one is a toss up. Both are supposed to better than the old Airfix.
This is one of the good 'oldschool' kits, IMHO, although the panel lines are done a bit heavy for the scale. On the other hand, in typical Italian style, the fine little details are nicely rendered. I may do it in the included Danish scheme of OD/NG with day-glo quad panels. It has been a few moons since I've used an airbrush, after all... better take it easy, the first go.
I like this kit so much I snagged another off ebay not long ago for the stash. This second one came with Aeroflot, Lufthansa and Eastern Airlines markings! I've seen Swissair, USAAC, RAF, USN and I dont know how many different other schemes. You could spend a lot of money collecting this one kit - and I'm gonna try.
This is the wing assembly, finished with landing lights in the leading edge.
Here're the lights themselves. I boxed in the light recess with plasticard and sunk a large straight pin in it - that's the head you see, to simulate the light itself. Again, oldschool; none of that PE stuff around here! Aint it amzaing all the "crud" that shows up when you take pictures! ;)
This is the fuselage assembly, cleaned up along the seams
And oh, look inside, a bit of the load-out staged near the door. There will be more outside awaiting stowage by the crew.
This is not my favored scale, but now that I have a new magnifier, Im giving it a shot. I'm actually starting to like it, to be honest, for the challenge to replicate/create in this lilliputian scale. It is nice for the larger models, like this Dakota, as they aren't SO big as to need their own place at the dinner table when done.
Comments encouraged and thanks for looking...