I am currently converting an 1/48 AMT B-26 to a Martin JM-1 Marauder. Reference photos on the net are few and far between! I am looking for a few items on the colors/markins of these planes:
1). I would love to find more info on the plane below, shown on the tarmac at Luke Field, date unknown. I don't think it is Gloss Sea Blue because the markings are in black, not white. Maybe a glossy dark grey? Anyone seen a different anlged picture of this plane?
2.) I have heard that there were some three color JM-1s (non-spec blue/int. blue/white)? However, I have found nothing to support this - anyone have any info, or pics?
3.) A few years ago, I saw some great color photos of some JM-1s on the tarmac (maybe they were in Alaska, I don't remember?). They were brilliant color photos, showing the JM-1s in their bright yellow paint, taken from a high angle (like maybe a control tower). But, for the life of me, I have been searching everywhere on the net and can't find them again! HELP! Anyone know which photos I am referring to?