Wowsers! Good looking F-111!
I remember the first time I ever saw one of those. Long time ago coming home from a vacation that took us out west, driving straight across New Mexico, I hear something and look up from whatever I was reading at the time. I see this plane streaking from south to north very low across the desert. Went kaboom right over our heads as we drove beneath it. Loud and fast. Probably came out of Holloman AFB. It was quite a site to behold (for as long as it lasted).
For my Bone, I was thankful that my paint job went as well as it did. I covered the entire underside in light gray and the top side in TAC tan, and fortunately the 1 bottle of each did the job. Not much left in either, though, but I bought a second bottle of the gray and there is some touchup that I will need to get to before too long. But tonight I've spent some time working on the nose art.
My desire was to draw a picture of my wife or somehow incorporate a real photo of my wife (short of getting her to actually pose, which was not going to happen). Those efforts failed miserably. I was once artistic, even to the point of enrolling at Texas A&M as an architecture major (long story there, but the short of it was I found out the average starting salary for an architect and said sayonara!) So I scrounged the net for decent pictures, keeping in mind that my wife is most accurately described as a strawberry blonde gal. I found a couple of pictures that were acceptable but had a couple of things that I kept going back to - 1, call me a dirty old guy, but I really wanted a gal with no clothes, and 2, the gals that fit the bill for 1 were inevitably not red-heads! Argh!
So I picked the two I liked the best and put them in designs for the following nose art:
1. Red-Headed Beauty
2. Texas Squaw
For the Bone I'm probably going with Red-Headed Beauty as this build is solely intended for my wife. But Texas Squaw will then end up on my next build, another heavy, this time a B-36 Peacemaker. Ultimately I'm going to let my wife decide which will represent her.