The excitement continues in this morning's Pupdate!
First...Gator's Grip glue, while generally excellent, yeah, not so much for eyeholes. Too much give. Ended up having to CA all the eyeholes back in place, including one that broke after the other side was already rigged. That one...well, if they made 1/32 duct tape and zip ties, the fix would have been the rough equivalent.
So...eyelets of ultrawire + .004 monofilament + 0.5mm nickel tubing. String the mono through the eyelet, then run both ends of the mono through a small length of tubing as though it's a bolo tie. Run the tubing "up" the monofilament until it's a short distance from the eyelet. Apply small drop of thin CA to the top of the tubing.
Here's where I learned a valuable lesson - use one pair of tweezers to hold the "main" mono line taut. And a second pair to hold the "spare" line away at an angle. Otherwise the thin CA will run between them and they'll stick.
Run main mono line through holes in the bottom of the frame. CA at the top, trim at the bottom.
Overall...making the holes was far and away the most tedious part of the operation. That, and dealing with the forward eyelet, which broke away after everything was rigged. Couldn't reposition with tweezers, so I ran a piece of ultrawire through the eye, pulled taut, and twisted. The extra ultrawire around the frame held the eyelet fast and gave the thin CA more to grab. Still...when I rig the plane, eyeholes and other connection points wil have PLENTY of depth.