Bsyamato , your H-34 Seabat build is coming along nicely
As for me , I decided to buy a couple of those inexpensive 1/72 Starfix HH-3E kits to use some of the cockpit pieces in the Lindberg CH-3E build as Starfix supply some nice cyclic sticks , foot pedals , seats and pilots .
One of the main reason for purchasing these two kits is that they come with a nice under fuselage hoist for external sling loads ;
The Carzy Legs CH-3E is fiited with one of those hoists , so my thinking was to add it to my Lindberg 2nd build .
However last night I was eyeballing the Starfix kit and started thinking about what I would need to do to fix some of the main inaccuracies and perhaps use the Starfix HH-3E as the base kit for my CH-3E Crazy Legs build .
The Starfix HH-3E main rotor housing is much nicer than Lindbergs kit but there is no bulge on the left side of the rotor housing to depict the APU unit . This could be fixed with a little Tamiya putty and sanded to shape ;
One of the biggest issue's is the size of the two overhead cockpit tinted window's , Starfix made theirs too narrow in width . So I two spare Lindberg canopies and decided to have a go at carefully cutting out the overhead canopy window's and file the opening bigger on the Starfix fuselage ;
This seemed to work out okay ;
So now I have decided to use the Starfix HH-3E kit as my CH-3E Crazy Legs build ;
Next I cut open the side fuselage door and then glued some plastic strip to the opening to make up for the saw cut and filing . I also decided to cut open the pilots side cockpit window's to pose them open ;
While doing this I suddenly discovered that I made a mistake on my first Alaskan HH-3E build in that Lindberg didn't mold a frame line down the middle of the pilots side window's , so I'll have to go back and re-mask those side window's and airbrush for a center frame line .
Anyway I continued on with the Starfix kit and cut open the rear ramp and I made some cockpit bulkheads for the interior ; One behind the pilots ( Starfix didn't supply one ) and the other I'll file some openings for shelves to depict the equipment rack . The one I had made already for the Lindberg fuselage is 2mm too wide for the Starfix kit , so I'll just make another .
That's about it so far , my apologies for swapping and changing things so much but hopfully it should all work out .
John .