Excellent detail work on the engine p38jl , I'm looking forward to seeing your 1/48 F4U-7 Corsair come together .
Bsyamato , somehow I missed your finished pic's of the Nieuport 17 . I just looked now and congrats' on a great build
As for me , I've been all over the place with my Italeri H-34 builds and a mini disaster happened this morning when I knocked over the box with both builds and PE onto the floor , scattering everything everywhere ....
I crawlled around on the floor for a while trying to find most of the PE , some of it's still missing along with a nose clamshell door half . I don't know why I can't find the door , it's quite a big piece ???
Anyway , I need to make a fresh start , so I'm going back to my original idea and use two Hobby Boss H-34A kits
I'll still cut out the engine screens and use the PE along with the PE cabin roof piece and just a few PE pieces for the cockpit
I'll just add window and door guns like in this next pic
I have these to use
The other H-34A I'll build as in next pic from Squadrons H-34 book
There's a colour pic of the same medevac H-34 in Len Lundh's Sikorsky H-34 book ...
Hannants in the UK have some French letters and numbers decal sheets and I ordered a set this morning to match whats on the medevac bird .
I found some stretches to use
So I'll go with all this . Oh I forgot to mention I'll also use some spare main rotors from the Italeri H-34 kit .
I'll aim for some WIP pic's tomorrow on these two builds .