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Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie - Call for model makers

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Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie - Call for model makers
Posted by Lukas Sprehn on Friday, January 11, 2013 3:41 AM

Link to model builder call:

Film trailer:

Movie's IMDb page:

I have no idea if I you are interested in this, but since most of you are so good at building these amazing scale models, props and so on, I thought why not? James Rolfe, aka the Angry Video Game Nerd, is calling for miniature and model makers for an epic final battle in his upcoming badass epic flick ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD: THE MOVIE, based on the webseries by the same name. The web series consist of episodes starring James Rolfe as this "Angry Video Game Nerd," where he reviews bad retro games, which he is still pissed off over about 30-60 years later. That's the big joke about it, the special ingredient. Plus the cheesy universe that the AVGN seem to "live in." It has spawned almost a whole franchise and a life of its own now. The film were funded completely by his fans through what we call "crowdfunding" these days. I happen to be working on as visual effects coordinator (right hand of the visual effects supervisor, Grover L Richardson III) Rolfe is already a big fan of such models when they are used for practical special effects, which, most of the time, can look even better than CGI. The Angry Video Game Nerd is filled with cheesiness and goofiness and bad effects, but that's some of the charm behind it. Then again, somewhat cheesy special effects can look very good, and even realistic sometimes, or at least artistically incredible. I am a fan of these kinds of effects myself, more so than CGI. Rolfe is a very big fan of the Godzilla film series for example, which this scenes will kind of pay tribute to. I am not saying that Rolfe wants to go in a cheesy direction exactly. You will need to ask him about that yourself. He is the mind behind all of this. If you have any other skills that you think the team might have use for in these scenes, don't hesitate. Be fresh and innovative.

Rolfe has cared a lot about his fans, and that is generally why he is making this film, and letting them take the journey with him and have a chance to get their work seen in the final product. if you are not a fan, but still want to help, there is no problem at all.

So if any of you are interested, and live near Philadelphia, or able to get and be there at the right times, why not go to the link at the top and shoot James a mail and show him your work?

But remember to be both innovative and listening. And use your talents wisely. Rolfe has a very special and strange imagination,but he's also very creative. We want this film to be exactly like what he's always wanted to do. And I hope it will be so. Most of the stuff that's already been filmed are top notch, I'd tell you. I've seen photos, footage, read parts of the script. This is gonna be epic!

If you're a fan of James Rolfe and/or the Angry Video Game Nerd already, and you're wondering how much of the film is done, I'd say about 83% or so, but it could be more :) There's additional scenes that has to be shot, a few more roles has to be given out to people, including possibly Kyle Justin as the Guitar Guy (a person who's usually seen as living behind the Nerd's couch and playing his AVGN theme.) Kyle's in the script, so I don't see why he shouldn't be in the film, and it's actually in the talks, so don't worry about that!

About the trailer: We at the Visual Effects Department had to kind of crank this trailer out really fast to keep Rolfe's fans content. The finished film will be much more epic than it indicates. We promise that. We at the Visual Effects Department is actually going to remake the effects seen in the trailer, work some more with the shots, and all that with higher quality footage.

Rolfe is a great guy, and he has great taste and is ultra nice and talented, anyone who can join in on this should do themselves the favor. His love of horror, filmmaking and cheesy, and serious, special effects definitely shows even in the trailer. And his knowledge of film history and horror is a whole other story. I call him a living encyclopedia. That's all! This should be fun for all of you, and challenging, but you can never have enough experience.

Stay creative,
- Lukas (VFX Coordinator on AVGN Movie)


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