GAH! Chalk this post up to tank inexperience.
I don't know how many times I've read a Bill Plunk article that's come across my desk, or how many times I've watched Aaron build a tank, or how many times I've followed one of your builds on the Forum, but there's nothing like building one yourself.
So, here I am merrily gluing wheels together when I start looking at the next step: making bogies. All right, I thought. Let's get on with it. Three made and I'm rolling them around my desk <"YAY! Isn't this fun?"> and I stop to think: I've gotta paint these. Yep. Gotta paint these. Yessir, these little wheels already glued into the bogies that I see other armor modelers paint separately all the time ...
Images, images, images ... but no very good shots of a Matilda Mk.III/IV's road wheels. I think they're completely metal, without a rubber tire. Can anyone confirm this for me? If they are, then that makes my imprudence a little easier to overcome.
In the meantime, I'll sit off to the side with my face in the corner, pondering why I can't play with the rest of the class.