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Suggestions for DC-3 decals

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  • Member since
    May 2016
Suggestions for DC-3 decals
Posted by B-36Andy on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 10:24 AM

Hi all!

Just an idea---Vintage Flyer Decals says he will take suggestions for new airliner decals. His DC-3 section has very few choices. We might email him and request more of a selection for our DC-3s.

Also Pointerdog 7 has a huge selection of DC-3 decals. His research is quality. The decals themselves have carrier film that is hard to deal with. We might tactfully suggest that he upgrade his decal process--tactfully. If you are not familiar with these decals, his knowledge of DC-3 airlines is extensive.

Both these companies are "garage" industries and are created by just the owner. A suggestion to these will possibly be heeded.

Just my two cents.



  • Member since
    May 2016
Posted by B-36Andy on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 10:30 AM

Sorry everyone---the above post was to go to the C-47 Group build.

Possibly the site administrator can fix t


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