Good day (Gday? :))
Buffalo 32nd (1 of 1) by Patrick Nevin, on Flickr
Some progress with the Buffalo. Etch flaps (ptui!) are now some way there, thought I was being smart thinning out the rear of the wing gun cartridge slots before opening them up, alas some of the plastic sagged a little so cyano to fill, cleaned, due to get polished. Tubing for the guns is now about right, though the length will get made more sensible. I have the place marked for cutting out the wing gun camera position too, but want a few more looks - since it's done from an oblique, fuzzy picture - before cutting it.
Also the instrument panel/rudder pedals. They are together! I managed to completely lose the acetate instrument backing and the only reason it's not been redone using discrete decals is it appears you can't get any Allied ones in this scale! The panic meter hit the red line at this point and I was about to feel dirty about using Luftwaffe alternates when I flicked a bit of 'plastic sheet' out of the way was actually the white-painted rear of said acetate. Phew.
The other thing here is Mks 2,3,4 and 5 of the engine wiring loom. #1 plastic kit part disintegrated under sanding, #2 & 3 are 20A cooker wire with slowly increasing neatness but I then rethought it in terms of the diameter, did #4 which proved the point of bell wire (0.8 vice 2.0mm) with cyano over the top to hide the loops and bulk out to appropriate size. I then succumbed to a nice nagging feeling at 0400 and re-did the 18 leads around a pin with fewer turns and loose ends. It does look slightly tat now, but the increasing levels of thick cyano will get neatened when set and I hold out hope for this one. The rest of construction rather depends on it although discovering a good set of cockpit pictures in the Pilot's Notes has been a Godsend, the kit instructions are somewhat vague in parts :)
Best to you all