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Stealth GB

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 10:50 PM
Hi guys I havn't been around for ages but I have to say everyones builds are looking great. Unfortunately My SR71 had a little accident, Just after christmas I moved into a new flat (I know what you think happened but your wrong) in doing so I put my build on the back seat of my car along with a F16 i had built earlier, being the lazy ****** that I am I didn't get it out of the car until about 2 weeks after we moved in and when I picked it up I discovered that it had been melted! I had left the car in the sun a few times and when I picked it up my SR71 was in a U shape, I'll try post a pic of it soon. But yeah well that's me out.

Good luck everyone else.

P.S The F16 didn't suffer the same fate, maybe the plastic was of a higher quality I don't know.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 5, 2005 10:02 PM
WOW ... I have been out of it for a while! My last post on the forums at all was in what, October? A thousand apologies, guys ... but I have made significant progress on my 1/48 Academy F-117.
Would you believe that the ModelMaster Gunmetal that I put on mine looks better than many of the the Flat Black paint jobs I've seen on others? I had originally planned on a base coat of gunmetal and a thing layer or two of flat black, but the gunmetal just looks so good that I think I'll leave it. I'll post pics of the plane when I find that elusive camera.....
Well I hope everybody is **HAVING FUN** with their builds, either completed by now or still in the process. I promise I'll be on the forums more often, at least until the GB ends.
  • Member since
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  • From: Littleton,CO
Posted by caine on Saturday, February 5, 2005 5:32 PM
For anyone building an Academy F-117... after looking closely at some reference photo's in my "F-117 Walkaround" it looks as though the bomb trapeze in this kit is mounted backwards. The trapeze should be swung forward in the deployed position, placing the nose of your guided bomb slightly forward of the bomb bay. It should be relatively easy to correct, just turn the thing around and maybe move it a little forward. It's probably a little late for everone, but I guess I'm a slow builder.
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  • From: Modeling anything with "MARINES" on the side.
Posted by AH1Wsnake on Monday, January 24, 2005 7:14 PM
Hey all...I've been on the forum for awhile, but am new to the whole group build thing.....I know I am too late to join this one, but thought I'd let everyone know I just started the Italeri 1/48th F-22A "Raptor 01". Just started on the cockpit -- thought it was kind of sparse, so I am scratchbuilding the blank instrument panel with various styrene squares for MFDs. Look forward to seeing what everyone else finishes....happy building!


"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and those who have met them in battle. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."
  • Member since
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  • From: Littleton,CO
Posted by caine on Saturday, January 22, 2005 1:09 PM
Well, my F-117 is finally coming together. I finished the cockpit couple weeks ago and I'm now just cleaning up the rough edges and filling some gaps. I hope to be ready to begin painting soon.

As for the paint scheme talk... the color of the paint isn't what gives it radar absorbing properties, it's the material the paint is made of. Hence, some early F-117 and all the F-22s were painted in gray colors.

I have also heard about the daytime scheme for the F-117. Didn't we already have this discussion earlier in the forum? Anyway, the Air Force has been conducting experiments to determine the viability of using F-117s and B-2s in daylight operations. I read once in Aviation Week magazine about en experinemnt where a B-2 slipped between a pair of F-15s undetected in the middle of the day! But I would imagine that daytime operations would only be conducted in environments where the US has control of the skies.

Izzy, in short, paint your F-22 however you want. It wouldn't affect the radar signature of the real thing, so go with what you think works best. Of course, even the IDF F-15s are in a standard gray paint scheme. The desert colors work best for strike aircraft that want to fly low, not air superiority fighters that fly high in the sky.

Anyone else have updates on their kits?
  • Member since
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  • From: Northern Indiana
Posted by overkillphil on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:15 PM
Owing to a rigorous work schedule, a anxiety attack inducing academic schedule, and monster technical problems on my X-32, i'm going to have to bow out of this build. I just don't think I'm going to have time to work on this or anything else on my bench till the end of February at the earliest.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:44 PM
the raptor is going along fine. this is my first kit in which im trying to kitbash/ scratchbuild the cockpit 'cause as many who have done this italiari kit know that the interior is seriously lacking detail. i already posted a msg in the aircradt forum but if anyone in here has any ideas about scratchbuild this cockpit id really like to hear.

Awood, the reason that site wasn't coming up is because it is called with no s. I tried to use your link but that didnt work so i googled the site. Thanks for the tip on it.
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:57 PM
I cant get this link to come up on the computer Im on, course Im on a government puter so it may be restricting it. Try this
Another option I was thinking... As your bird would be highly ficticious, you could always buy a kit of say an IDF F-15 and swipe the decals then build the Eagle using another set. Course the scorpion on the IDF's F-16's would also look great on the tails of a Raptor.
The pic I posted above is actually of the F-117 during the developmental stage before the airforce requested the all black scheme figuring they would only be flown at night. It turns out that black is not the best color for hiding in a night sky but as some one once said "real men dont fly in pastel painted planes"
I have heard rumors that I havent tried to verify that the NightHawk will be becoming a DayHawk with a Two Tone Low Vis Grey scheme
For more on that I direct you here

Good luck with your Raptor. Hope your gonna post pics. Id love to see it.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:11 PM
wow, awood, i havent seen that before. i guess this means the Nighthawk is becomming a Dayhawk huh? Well then im gonna gewt some idf decals. wut online store would have them?
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:37 PM
Izzy, I wouldnt get hung up about the paint sceme concerning its stealth Capabilities. If you havent seen this yet you may like it.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:52 AM
Can i still join? I have an F-22 started thats maybe 30% done. If so , i kno the paint on stealth planes is to make them invisible to radar but wut do u think about an F-22 in IDF desert colors?
  • Member since
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  • From: Northern Indiana
Posted by overkillphil on Monday, January 10, 2005 9:59 AM
Son of a Censored [censored]!!! I was masking off my X-32 yesterday and I made the mistake of using cheap masking tape on the intake so when I took the tape off it took six or so coats of flat white off with it. Given the confined space, this is going to be a pain in the neck to fix.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Saturday, January 8, 2005 2:42 PM
Looks great so far Mike, my only suggestions would be to help your photography skills.
Try placing the model on one color background with little reflective qualties i.e a peice of cardboard poster board then use atleast two different light sources with white light, desklamps placed at different angles to highlight the model work great.
Cant wait to see the rest of this done. I should be getting started on mine here soon.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
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My current projects Blackbird
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 8, 2005 1:07 AM
Here are some pictures of my blackbird. Its about ready to be painted. When I was sanding the model, I accidentally erased some raised panel lines. Any ideas about restoring these lines would be very helpful. Well here are the pics and enjoy. Ive included pictures of my other project. A 1/72 Italeri Sherman tank.

Suggestions and comments are Appreciated
Thank you in advance.
  • Member since
    October 2004
  • From: Northern Indiana
Posted by overkillphil on Thursday, January 6, 2005 10:18 AM
So how is it going folks? I've now joined the upper and lower fuselage and should be ready to paint in a few days, cross fingers. I'm going to try to post progress pics in a couple of days.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:20 PM
much as i would have loved 2 participate in this GB,
the combination of time constraints, a monogram kit w/ poor fit issues
& the size of an SR-71 (even in 1/72, she's a big ol' bird) r telling me
that i'll have 2 regretfully withdraw from this GB.
please accept my apologies....
too many ideas, too little time... Dead [xx(]

frostySmile [:)]
  • Member since
    May 2003
  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:15 AM
Hey Mike, I just found the link i was looking for the other day.
Using that link, go to "login" in the upper right corner, the Login is newfsm and the password is models. Once logged in go to admin options and add photos. Once the photo is uploaded use the same instructions as posted above to link the photo here (using properties and img tabs) You may like this site more as it doesn't require you to open an account and like photobucket its free. I perfer photobucket because I can store pics of more than just my models i.e. Group Build badges, reference pics, and other odds and ends...
Good luck and as always if you have any difficulties just ask.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
    May 2003
  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Saturday, December 25, 2004 5:12 PM
posting pics is easy. First you need to load your pics to a site allows hosting of images . Ron Georges is one but I dont have the link saved on this computer. A great on I like is Open your own account, its free up to so many megs. and load you pics. Once there loaded to which ever site your going to host them on you have to link them here. To do that, In a seperate window, open up the picture you want to post, right click on the image and click on properties. find the address or URL to the image. It should look like this
now add to the back minus any spaces. (I've added spaces to these to stop you from seeing the dreaded red X) take out the spaces and you have
note: to url has to end in .jpg and many site though they allow you to store images i.e. yahoo and msn photos do not allow linking. Rongeorges and photobucket are the only two I know of though I know theres more and if you ask Im sure some one could direct you too more. As for pics of the blackbird, check out this link, 7 pages of great pics. A very nice reference site for pics
Hope that helps
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 25, 2004 4:44 PM
My blackbird is about 45% complete now. The fuselage and canopy are fully assembled and the assembly is ready to be airbrushed. I am thinking about doing a primer basecoat with modelmaster enamel. After that has dried I am planning on spraying on a shade of lightened model master acrylic black paint. After the lightened black has dried, I will spray on a coat of future. The application of decals will follow then another appiclation of future to seal the decals. Once that has fully dried I will begin the weathering/detail process which will consist of outlining the raised panel lines with pencil? (I am not exactly sure what kind of pencil to use that will adhere to the future) and then patches of spilt fuel and burnt exhaust (anyone have any photos or ideas where the fuel has spilt on this airplane). The final step will be the application of dullcoat.

I would like to post some pics. Awood23 ygm!
  • Member since
    May 2003
  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:57 AM
Weathering a Blackbird can be kinda intresting though I have seen it done. Painting the SR-71 wasn't done so much to keep the plane stealth as it was necessary to keep internal components from burning up during flight. Infact stealth was not really a consideration during design. It was designed to be so fast nothing could catch it much less shoot it down. The stealth features of the blackbird are a by product of the sleek design for speed. keeping in mind that the aircraft was designed for extremely high speed flight it had many thinks that could be used for weathering while on the ground. On the ground the aircraft leeked fuel like a bucket with a whole in it. It wasnt till the aircraft got up to speed and expanded from the heat that all the seals closed up stopping the fuel leaks. Weathering that would be intresting to see... If you want to add depth to the aircraft you can try varying shade of black on the panels, burning out the exhaust cans, even try using a fine tip lead pencil to accent the panel lines... just some ideas. As for posting pics if you want to send me an email at I'll write back with detailed instructions on how to do it.

Some intresting history about the blackbird you might find intresting.
Originally designed as the A-12, The blackbird had armerment which was all later deleted. It was found that if equiped with cannons the aircraft would run into its own bullets. the aircraft could also carry nuclear bombs and it was calculated that the Blackbird could take off from California, drop its bomb over china and land somewhere on the east coast before the bomb hit moscow. Also when announced to the public the SR-71 was originally tagged as the RS-71 which stood for Reconisance Strike. As it wsa president Lyndon B Johnson (I think it was Johnson, maybe Carter?) making the announcement no one corrected him and they simply changed the meaning to Strategic Reconnisance.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
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Stealth GB
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:01 AM
Does anyone have ideas about weathering for a sr-71 blackbird? Im sure that any weathered areas would have been immediately painted over in order to keep the airplane stealth. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am still in the preparation stages right now. I will provide pictures when I advance to later stages. I do not know how to post pictures here. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated!
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:15 AM
First off Michael, WelcomSign - Welcome [#welcome]Sign - Welcome [#welcome]

If you go back and read the very first post of this thread it outlines the details of the build. The start time had passed, the end date is 5 Feb 05. All group builds are about the same. The first post in the thread gives all the specs... subject matter, start and end dates, AM or OOB... and so forth. Some get a little outta hand with whacky things like "the mad fokker day" build a fokker in 24hrs... but hey that just adds to the fun right? Your subject matter for this build has already been accepted so I think your good. The owner of the thread seems to be a little slow on replies but accepting none the less so I'd so go ahead and contribute. Its easier to beg for forgiveness than ask fpr permission Smile [:)]
One tip, We all like to see progress and completed pics. So if you have a digi cam or even a regular cam and scanner take pics and post em. If you have problems figureing out how to post pics ask and if some one doesn't help you sooner I'll walk you though it step by step. :) Now get building Smile [:)]

Audiophile, dont want to step on your toes here, just trying to help.
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
    November 2005
Stealth GB
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:26 PM
Hello, I just purchased a Revell SR-71 Blackbird today and would like to join this group build. I know that theres about 5 or six others that are building this same model and Im just going to have to jump on the blackbird bandwagon. This will be my first groupbuild and im wondering if anyone can fill me in with the details of this groupbuild?Cool [8D]
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by Awood23 on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:01 AM
Audiophile, I wsnt to build the Mig for this build but Im home stateside right now on emergency leave and I doubt I'll get it finished before the end date. I will post pics of it for you guys anyways for those intrested.
For the aerobatics group build Im building Premiers 1/48 Hawk in the RedArrows livery seen in my sig. The kit decals for any aerobatic team can be a pain but Ive learned some tricks that make applying them a little easier.
#1 Never use Premiers supplied decals. They're AWFULL
When dealing with large decals that come with kits for builds like the red arrows, blue angles, and thunderbirds, Just because theres one big decal doesn't mean it has to be applied as one big decals dont be afraid to cut a decal in half and even thirds to make them easier to apply. Especially the longer fusealge stripes... Just make sure that you allign the next stripe up to the next one and try and apply the next decal while the first one is still wet and movable. Id wait till the whole decale is in place where you want it before applying any decal setting sollutions.
For more experience modeler try making masks... and painting marking rather than decals. The results are much nicer. One thing Ive tried in the past with some success with a Blue Angel. Paint a base of yellow covering the area where the decal will be applied. Apply the decal then paint the blue and use the decal as the mask simply remove it after you done painting. Just some ideas... I wouldnt be afraid to tackle kits like these as practice will only make you better. And in my case using a crappy kit will force you to get better :)
Im still working on my RedArrow but Ill be posting progress pics as it some along, Just follow the thread and if you have any questions about how I did something just ask. Some of the other guys in that build will also be more than happy to recommend kits that are user friendly for what you want to build. In my case Id say go with the Airfix 1/48 kit. I havent built it but its GOT to be better than this one :)
[img] "your' not trying if your not cheating" "no one ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor bugger die for his" 'never before have so many owed so much to so few" 1/48 Spitfire %80
  • Member since
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  • From: Northern Indiana
Posted by overkillphil on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:18 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by uilleann

OK so I'm DYIN' HERE! How's everyone coming with there builds?'s like this... :)

Well, this model would probably be done if I didn't have to fix all the ejection points and fill in all the panel lines that aren't supposed to be there. Other than that, it should move along pretty well once I get those done.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Salt Lake City, Utah
Posted by uilleann on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:19 AM
OK so I'm DYIN' HERE! How's everyone coming with there builds?'s like this... :)

I seriously haven't had more than a second to breathe the last two months and so haven't really gotten any progress done past what I had well...a few months back. I suck I know. :D Just curious how the rest of you are coming on?
"I may not fly with the eagles.....but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!"
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:36 AM
Hey all .. I'm back. Guess I should have said I'd be gone for a while ... lol, mybad. Wink [;)]

Sweet - new participants! Yeah, come on in and join .. it's all for the sake of fun and nobody is forbidden to participate. (Unless you're building something big, slow, and noisy!)

Sooo ... overkillphil with an X-32. frostygirl with an SR-71. Awood23 with a Mig-37. Sounds good to me :o)

Awood23 - What kit did you make for that aviation team group build? I've always wanted to make one of the old A-4 Blue Angels, a sleek F-16 Thunderbird, or something like that ... but was afraid they would come with huge decals and be cheesy like that. What did you do and how did you do it?
  • Member since
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  • From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted by zokissima on Monday, November 29, 2004 8:36 AM
Ok, well it's become painfully obvious to me this weekend that I probably won't be able to finish this one in time. Hell, I'd be lucky if I had the time to START it on time. Thus it is my sad duty to inform you all that I will be dropping out of this GB.
Good luck to the rest of ya, have fun!
  • Member since
    October 2004
  • From: Northern Indiana
Posted by overkillphil on Friday, November 26, 2004 9:48 AM
I've started painting doing some detail painting and will probably work on detailing the cockpit/ejection seat today.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams

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