tanky, don't worry i know the guy in person. besides i think he left by personal objection, not because of being locked out. i dont know how i wouldve handled a prob like what i was facing there...
reb, thanks a lot man. the stug is lookin fine my friend!! i ve encountered the same kinda mistake on the tracks before too. i just put um on, and only later do i realize that theyre backwards...
well, i dont know about the chick from dodgeball reb, i mean as tanky's suggested before, all those very 'original' looking girls like blondes and brunettes dont appeal to our tanky here. no i think the old wise man from
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is more appropriate
scer, thanks. im building it for the 12SS GB. they werent just used in normandy though. those things saw action on all the fronts in Europe practically. Italy, Normandy, East Front, a few were even left for the battle of the bulge...
guys- for resin, just take a cup (an old food container preferably) fill it with water, and while you're sanding, just dip the piece in that. or, try brushing the area with a brush between sandings. just make sure what you're sanding with can survive water. some stuff will fall apart. if you're gonna use a dremel tool, put on some old crappy clothes and do it outside wearing goggles and a mask. the kind that go on with rubber bands works fine. you're gonna have to have you're clothes washed and take a shower right after though, otherwise youll track it through the whole house.