Erock :
You want to do it right , get the the blacking stuff called 'Blacken-It' , and dunk the tracks . That gives them a nice dark finish . Then you can paint a dark gunmetal over top , and perhaps a wash of rust . Then , run the sucker on asphalt or concrete , and watch the ****** wear off and it looks f'in ~perfect~ . I've seen ones dont this way , and in the right shot , you almost can't tell they aint REAL 1:1 tracks !
see this article :
Okie-boy :
At this point , there are various ways to 'upgrade' that gearbox .
One : you find an HPC gearset (about $60 plus a set now), swap the final plastic/brass out , then buy Bob Wroe's reduction kit ($65 shipped), and use the gear you swapped out in the back end . That lowers it to almost perfect scale , and your weak point is gone .
Two : buy one of Willy Loewer's reductions (about $80 + shipping) to take it to scale (still have the weak point)
Three : Buy Type 4's . Speed is closer (but not dead on) to scale , but still vulnerable (they left that one gear as plastic)
The best solution (so RCACN claims) is a set of 4's ~and~ Willy's reduction , but you still have a weak point . If you drive respectably , you don't need to worry . And after-run maintenance is a MUST .
You wanna ditch the Type 1's , let me know . I can use a set .
About Dirk , better e-mail him for that data . I'm not 100% sure my data is up to date .
WhiteWolf ( who aint started his Aber ... ~yet~ .