Lets bump this one back up to the top with a quick update. Started on my Wings Fokker D.XXI a few days ago. Got the fuselage halves cut out, the wings cut out and glued together, along with the horizontal stabalizer halves. Here's an initial pick of everything taped together:
Note the canyons at the wing roots, and the poorly shaped wing fillet. Things like this are probably why only 4-5 guys signed up for this madness! I guess using your brains and stretching your modeling skills are what make vacuforms fun, though. I had to reinforce the forward fuselage halves to get them to line up. Pretty successful here:
Despite careful sanding to help ensure the minimum amount of plastic was removed, the cowling did not come out round. I'm shimming in styrene strips with white glue to figure out how much to add to get it back in shape:
Hope to start scratch-building the interior soon. The D.XXI had a tube frame, so I'm thinking stretched sprue is the way to go. I have some nice pics of the instrument panel and forward cockpit, but can't find any of the seat and aft area. Guess I'll have to make an educated guess.
Any other Vac GB updates out there?