Here is an example of how bad the parts fit:
After fixing up the seams and bad fit:
More fixes:
The hangars have absolutely no detail and are just an empty space:
Construction finished, flight deck painted:
Some fixing of the fit between the bridge and the deck:
Flight lines painted, catapults dry-brushed and some weathering attempted. Not fully accurate, but best I can do at the moment. Many techniques tried, like using a pilot pen to draw the white lines instead of masking/painting. Definitive learning experience; much time spent fixing up errors. Looks "Ok", not good but not bad. Good training for another carrier build : )
I also painted the anti-fouling red hull, have to take some pics.
What is left is some touch-up and to build the planes. The tomcats are molded in stored mode, need to make some surgery to make the tomcat look in flight:
I hope to finish the planes today and finish the "setup". Not a good kit or a good build, but I guess its an Ok first try.