I came in in '87. Missed that day. What did the round hit? |
Nothin'... As it turned out, one of the gun chiefs wanted a 155 round for himself and fired the mission dry, but called 'shot' to the FDC... FDC didn't know any better since we were co-located with another Battery on that firing point and they were firing the illum... No one else noticed either, because it was kinda late and lots of illum was going downrange...
what we had on the range was most likely illegal "pickers" loading up on expended munitions and they had fm radios set to the rc freq. The pickers would supposedly take the munitions to Mexico to sell and then Mexican companies would sell it back to the U.S. after remanufacturing it. |
Ah yeah, "The Gatesville Gang"... They had a thing goin' on for a while, muggin' GIs in the field and stealin' weapons for a while... Then there was the local cowboys who had orange 1/4 tons with ropin' chairs welded to the front bumpers, lol... Not all of them cleared with RC before heading out around Sugarloaf..