Thank you for all your kind comments guys, I really apprciate it.
I admit the faded color looks great on this model, one of the first one with an buff wash.
After applling tamiya primer (a new step I discover) I sprayed to much on the turret and slip down to the bottom making a bump, I had to sand it out and reapplied the primer. AlthougthI accidentaly sand off the four bolts on the bottom of the turret on both sides, I had to scrachbuild some and sand it out, this was the only major mistake on the tank. I had to applie many coat of dark green to cover the sanding marks and manage to save the decals. Speaking of decals I use a setting solution to blend the decals in place, it work beautifully and the buff wash (another new thecnique discover) is simply heavily thinner tamiya buff, made the decals fade away, rader than bright and new writting. The buff wash made the tank look dusty and I applied more at spot were the crew would walk more often (around haches, engine compartement, and the climbing steps). And finally finish it with the weatherin, I always start with acrylics, then artise oil (raw umber) and the most effective of all, pastel colors like medium rust, soot, weather brown adn of course dust bowl brown (dirt). the tracks base color is Valgno black grey, which is much better color than flat black, and cover it with pastel, but I think that mud is alot more important than rust on tracks since its what the tank goes throught the most.
I do have a dio in mind (like many of my builds), I was think its crew coming out for a break after the battle of Kursk, near the shore of a lake or pond, with a light german self proppelle artillery laid to rest in the water.I will also try to get pictures in the next readers gallery in FSM.
Another new build for the army, and the first of its kind, thanks again.
Working on: Trumpeter SU-152 (1/35) Trumpeter E-10 (1/35) Heller Somua (1/35)
"The world is your enemy, prince of a thousand enemy. And when they'll find you, they will kill you... but they will have to catch you first ''