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Iraqi Scud B

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  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: USA
Iraqi Scud B
Posted by mstazz62 on Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:44 PM

An old Dragon kit from the DML days. A real pain to assemble but not so bad once finished. I'm glad I had some older pics of it cause my "Felinus Modus Battus Aroundus" didn't like it and is now in various pieces.

Good thing Zoe is so cute and fuzzy - or else...


  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Bridgeview, Illinois
Posted by mg.mikael on Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:16 PM
How the heck are you turing out these build so quickly? Do you have a tank factory, or are these builds from sometime ago. Question [?]

"A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton


  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:16 PM


I have one of these unbuilt, and planned the very same scheme for it--you did a beautiful job!

Hey, you didn't display this at SYRCON a few years ago, did you?

  • Member since
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  • From: Ft. Sill, OK
Posted by beav on Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:42 PM

I some of these are not so recent, but I always like a bunch of picture threads floating around, it gives me something to oogle.

I've always wanted to put one of these into a forced perspective shadow box dio (with some backlight), with a green filter covering the viewing viewing window to simulate an NVD image and have some shadowy US Spec Ops guys in the forground slowing moving down to blow one of these up...

But yours looks great...looked great...heh... 

"First to Fire!"


  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by mstazz62 on Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:49 PM

Thanks for the kind words guys!

Mg.Mikael - I guess I do kinda have a Tank factory- I work on something almost every night; in fact almost every free moment I get. I got the model bug BAD -(I tell the wife it's what keeps me sane). But this build is a couple years old - I recently discovered the secret to posting images - thanks to a new camera, and I have years worth of stuff to share with you guys!

Doog -Nope that wasn't mine - I almost took it to the last AMPS convention in Maryland, though. Wish I had - the theme was desert storm!


  • Member since
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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:11 PM

Eagle Bait...Wink [;)]

Nice work...

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by JMart on Friday, November 14, 2008 8:42 PM

Really great work! Something different and interesting, LOVE the base! Quickie rundown on the base?



  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by mstazz62 on Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:52 AM

Doog - Thanks for the compliment. I really admire your stuff and coming from you that is praise indeed! 

Hans - Eagle bait! LOL!!! So very true!

JMart - The bottom of the base is from a 21st century toys 1/18th scale Panther my son got for Xmas one year. I took a piece of styrofoam and rough shaped it, glued it to the plastic base, covered it with white glue, then sprinkled kitty litter and good old fashioned dirt from the yard. When dry I painted and dry brushed it, and instant Iraqi desert!


  • Member since
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  • From: Dublin Rep Of Ireland
Posted by terry35 on Saturday, November 15, 2008 11:23 AM

Thats a blast form the past, I barely remember seeing one built when it first came out. Seem to remember it was massive in size. You have picked an excellent subject for drybrushing, great work, great painting.


  • Member since
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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Saturday, November 15, 2008 12:15 PM

 mstazz62 wrote:

Hans - Eagle bait! LOL!!! So very true!

Heh... Too bad you don't still have it... I can picture it in a dio with all the doors open and the terrified crew running for their lives from it because an Eagle is rolling in hot on it, and they don't wanna be part of "The Mother of All Battles" anymore...


  • Member since
    March 2007
  • From: NJ
Posted by JMart on Saturday, November 15, 2008 8:02 PM
 Hans von Hammer wrote:

Eagle Bait...Wink [;)]

LOL great line....

Marc - thanks for the info on the base!




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