Many thanks for all kind comments! I really appreciate them!
camo junkie, I usually post 4-5 armors at a time and they usually include both WWII and modern. This is not my first MT-LB with ZU-23-2, and certainly not the last one. I like the guns.
mg.mikael, you have some points. How about comparing this one to the one he built four years ago, which one do you like better?:
Karl, thanks for dropping by! Have you received my PM that I sent a week or so ago? I asked about a song. If you haven't recieved maybe I should post it here so that others can help too.
RESlusher, you're a lucky guy. The one you saw was probably not armed with ZU-23-2 guns like this, but plain MT-LB used as to haul the D-30 122mm Cannon and carry ammunition, like this: