Eric, thanks for your kind words. I agree with your comments on the orange-rust tracks of the Tiger and the unsagging tracks of the halftrack. I think maybe they're too tight to be glued or pinned down. Doing so may cause stress and breakage of the tracks.
adam, thanks for your kind compliments. I have five modelers building for me. Two of them build for others too but three of them build only for me. Not only all nations' armors from WWI to present, but also warplanes and warships from WWI to present, figures and dioramas included. Anything military. Try counting the number in this menu: may also search for specific model on my site:, well, this year I built 1:72 fuel truck and 1:72 Jeep w/ Trailer. I bought them second-handed very cheap but the truck is missing some parts and wheels. Both were assembled but not yet painted. I may handbrush or spraypaint them some day. For fun, not for show. ;-)
Karl, thanks for your kind compliments. There's no doubt that AI has been enjoying his work over the years (about 10 now). His big brother "Toom" has also enjoyed working for me for just over a year. His latest work - IJN Battleship Yamato 1:350 w/ full option PE sets - is very well done. The panel lines he inscribed on the sides of the ship is above and beyond the call of duty:, thanks for your nice words and care for my well-being. The Sd.Kfz.7/s is one of my favorites too. AI has built two in the past:
April 2001:
Jan 2003:
He has also built the Trumpeter's one with Flak43 which costed me $37, but the one with Flak37 (Trumpeter or DML) is asking for $53 which I think is too much. So I resort to Tamiya's old one in my stock. I may buy another one plus the one with 20mmx4 guns. It costs just $23 each.