Redleg, aren't we extra pissy on the models Model Maniac posts on the group? We definitely definitely are. But dang, almost everytime he posts it's like that exercise: find 20 differences between this and a good looking model. And almost every time they ARE there, it's just a matter of looking hard enough. So we do. Additional bonus: nobody gets hurt. MM didn't build it, so no emotional investment (sorry for being so rough Model Maniac) and AI doesn't seem to read any of our writing.
My shot on the M151A1, and I did some research on it. I'm letting the inaccuracies of the kit aside, but the markings look like a "what if the USA had the M151 in 1945". The serial number looks WWII style, with USA instead of US ARMY and so on. And the star on the hood - the regulations changed somwhere in the fifties and during the WWII the star was supposed to point to the rear, and during Vietnam the star was supposed to point to front. Of course there were some mistakes,, but was this intentional on the model here?
So to all the people who care about their models - please do some research *before* you build. Happy modelling to all, have a nice day
PS. Nice Sherman, by the way. Maybe I could get more pissy on it, if I only knew more about israeli Shermans