The artillery kit options are getting better, but they are still pretty slim. The M119 is available from Mouse House Miniatures out of Australia in resin. It is pricey, but nice. Redleg12 (Mike DelVeccio) built a really nice example here a while back.
Italeri makes the m109A6 Paladin. It is a pretty nice kit. Italeri has made pretty much the whole line of 1960's to present SP Arty kits. They have the M107, M108, M109, M109A2, M109A6, M110, M110A2. They come in and out of production from time to time. Keep an eye out for them on eBay. The Paladin is the only one currently in production.
Trumpeter's M198 comes in two versions; early and late. They are actually the same kit though. All the parts are the same. The early version has you leave off a couple parts. The late version has a longer hydraulic reservoir and a gauge package for the brake system. Either can be built as an early or a late model.
A B-FIST can be easily converted from a standard Brad. The only real external difference is the back of the TOW box is blocked off with a flat plate, and there are two antennas added to the rear light guards. I did one a while ago with a full interior.
More here.Unfortunately, there is no kit of the M777 yet. That would be a nice model. As to the NLOS...I am glad its gone. It was not an improvement over the Paladin.
If you want to go a little historical, there are nice kits by Dragon (M2A1 105mm) and AFV Club has a nice M102 105mm. AFV Club also does a nice M40 155 SP from the Korean War time-frame and both an M59 Long Tom (155) and M115 (8") towed WWII pieces. Dragon has also announced an WWII M7 Priest (105 SP), and Italeri and Academy have a Priest as well. There are lots of other really nice WWII era arty kits out there as well. It just depends on what you want to focus on.
Gino P. Quintiliani - Field Artillery - The KING of BATTLE!!!
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"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell