Hi everyone.
I'd like to know if anyone could point me in the direction of some good info (web or wriiten) on German WW2 Half trcks, in particular the Sdkfz 250/7 mortar carrier. I have one interior photo and one external photo, and neither are very clear. I am converting a Tamiya 250/9 that I stole the turret off of into a 250/7 with Tamiya's mortar set, and I would like to make it reasonably accurate. I am also looking to do some more half track conversions in the future, so general references would be helpful too.
I know FSM had an article by Bob Skurda on a 250/7 in 1991 or so, as I have the cover, but alas the magazine inside is AWOL, so if anyone has this issue and can paraphrase it for me, that would be helpful also!
To all those who have waded through this long winded question
, thanks a lot, and I will try to share my build on the forum as I go.