Pawel - Yes. There is a folding rack that attaches to the turret ring that holds them in place up top. They lift out of the way when the loader needs to grab a round. I haven't added it because my basket isn't attached to the turret ring as it should be and it would just cause problems. Besides, it's up and above where you can see it from the driver's position so you wouldn't see it anyways.
I haven't seen any rubber pads on the floor in any of my references, but they are mostly of the training simulator and a lot of details are missing. My Dad has been filling in the gaps and pointing out what should be different for the actual combat vehicles.
Arty- That's some info I didn't have yet. Thank you! I was also wondering about that.
I've been watching a lot of videos and documentaries on these tanks and there always seems to be hatches left open at all times in every situation where you think it would be much wiser to shut them.
Seems the honest answer is, that when they are all closed you can't see hardly anything at all. Those hatches are almost ALWAYS open because the crew values being able to see and that gives them greater combat awareness. Even if that means you can take an RPG to the loaders hatch and get your crew killed.
I've got the front hull glued on and all of the interior installed. However I did not anticipate one problem that I can not now fix. The driver's vison blocks, since they are clear parts, allow light to show through where the paint is thinnest. I'm just going to have to suck it up on that one as I didn't test for this. I was mainly concentrating on not leaving parts out that I had set aside weeks ago, such as the driver's hatch and the steering bar.
But I do have a couple of good pics and the interior looks sufficiently busy.
I'm okay with this. Not bad at all. Could be much better, but since you'd really have to look very close to see it, "That'll do pig, that'll do." lol