Been a couple of weeks since i updated but been chugging along slowly by surely.
So i'll start off with the tank. With painting done i aded the decals, all 4 of them, and gave it a couple of shades of dry brushing before sealing with a couple more coats of Alclad aqua gloss.
And then on with the oil. Firstly i did an overall coat of thin raw Umber. But, despite the 3 coats of what i thought were properly applied Alclad, i stil had a few small areas were the paint reacted to the white spirits. This is the 3rd armour build in a row this has happened and nopt sure if its me or the Alclad. But i do know it never happened when i was useing future. I am thinking about switching to one of the new acrylics such as mr Paint or Mission Models. But it will still take me a few kits to use up my enamels.
I can cover the affected areas with equipment.
This was followed by pin washes useing 2 shades of grey and a white oil. The completed tracks were fitted along with all the tools.
Next step with be some streaking followed by dust efefcts. But i won't add the efects until i have loadd some stores onto the back. I realised i didn't have what i wanted so have ordered some boxes. So apart from the streaking, thats the tank done for a few days at least.
In the meantime i will get on with the building and figures. Speaking of which, the inside of the building was painted, cement for the floor and a light grey for the walls.
And then added some variation to the outside brickwork. This was done with a selection of tamiya acrylics.
I used a small flat brush and randomly applied mixes of colurs to the bricks.
Followed by a wash of raw umber oils. Also added the celluclay groundwork around the building.
So next i'll finish off the inside and add vegitation to the soil, then start on the rubble.
And finally the figures. I am useing 8, a mix of Dragon, Tamiya, Mini Art ICM and my first resin figure from Bravo 6.
Given a coat of black primer, these are now ready for painting.
So, while i am waiting for the boxes to arrive, i will be getting on with the smaler details on the building and get to painting the figures.
Thats all for now.