Hi everyone. This is my first topic on this forum. I have built a several models in my life. Mainly russians modern tanks like T-72, T-80BV and few differnt T-90. Long time ago i builit two abrams kits from Dragon. This time I`m working on the Abrams as well, but this will be an Abrams from RYE FIELD number 5007 w/ full interior. I did not want to build another Abrams with TUSK on it, because simply I don`t like all this stuff on this beautiful tank. I decided to build a SEP v2 version. To have a V2 version, I`ve decided to use a resin conversion from DEF Model (35030). I had no idea if the DEF conversion will be work with RFM, and I must admit, it`s not perfect, but it`s not so bad . So , here is my starter pack
Usually, I'm starting to build a model, from lower hull and suspension, but not this time. I could not resist, to see, how the CROWS will be look like , when I putt it on an Abrams turret. Here it is
Than I`ve started to work with the interior. Sorry guys, but I don`t have many pictures of the asembled interior but...
That`s it, SORRRRRY :(. All I can show you is, how my model looking now
Like I mentioned bvefore. DEFs conversion is not perfect for RFM kit. For example, the commanders cupola:
It`s to narrow. So i have decided to use the cupola out of the box, but first I had to do a little surgery :), and here it is
All i have to do right now is the ring arround the cupola and add some bolts.
On two pictures above, you have seen the figure.
This is a crew member from Legend Productions.I made this little guy for my other project M1127 Stryker RV
I think i`m gonna use this figure, on abrams project.
So that`s it for now guys. I hope you like it, and you will follow, and maybe you will give me some tips and hints.
Best regars :)