I bought the Eduard detail set and their pe zimmerit set for my Elefant. I wouldn't go with the zimm set. Doing it again, I'd definately do it with putty. The detail set is okay, but I've run into a little confusion with some of the instructions (not as bad as Aber, though). I also bought two sets of pe fenders. I think the first was from Royal. They were for the Italeri kit and didn't quite fit the DML, so I bought the Aber set specifically for the DML Elefant and Ferdinand. They fit well, though I had a little tinkering to do with the pe zimmerit. But there are some crescent fittings that are unbelievable! You have to bend a thin strip to the outside circumference of the crescents, then cement a crescent to each side of the strip! I've got one (maybe two) done in about 7 or 8 months! I get part of one done and it's so frustrating, I have to get away from it for a while. And then, the instructions don't say exactly where to put them. They also say to use a piece of plastic card under the fenders. Again, nothing that says exactly where, and it doesn't even say what size to make it. There are two dimensions given, but one of them looked like thickness rather than width to me. Not sure. I measured a similar looking area molded onto the bottom of the DML fenders, and figured that's where the plastic card was supposed to go and the size looked about right, so I went from there. There are also four little crescents on the DML piece, so I'm using them to approximate where the Aber pieces go, but it just doesn't line up quite right. All in all, I think the DML fenders look pretty good, detail wise. Just a little thick. And they look better every time I work on the Aber ones! LOL No discouragement intended. Just trying to let you know some of the problems I've had. The straight DML build is pretty clean, so far. (Oh, Aber has a full detail set out for it, too. If you dare! LOL) Let me know how it goes. Good luck with the III. I'd like to do one of those sometime, too.
Take care;
DML M4A2 Red Army
-- There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". (Author unknown)