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Why are there so many views and so few reponses to threads????

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  • Member since
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Posted by bilbirk on Saturday, August 8, 2009 1:26 PM

 tiki kat wrote:
Just started posting my work over here, thought it might be fun for a change.  I have to be honest and say I'm disappointed by all the views with few if any responses.  What gives??
Basically you have to belong to one of the "clics" to get many responses. This site is one of the worst that I've seen about things like that, but then I could be wrong as there probably others.

    Another thing is that people may not have the same outlook on things that you do so they choose not to respond. I know I'm that way because I would have been kicked off here many a time if I put what I really thought about some things. My wife tells me to be nice so I guess I will be.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 8, 2009 1:04 PM
When it happens to me, I like to think that they were left speechless by my work...Big Smile [:D]
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Posted by the doog on Saturday, August 8, 2009 12:04 PM

 Sign - Welcome [#welcome]

Don't forget, there are literaly THOUSANDS of viewers from all corners of the world looking in on this site. LOts of people just want to see a cool model. They're not interestind in banter. Some people don't have conversational skill in real life, much less on a forum where you have to actually work (read="type") to answer someone, not just mutter "uh huh".

Hang around here enough; get to know people; people will recognize your name and respond in turn. You can make friends here just the same as in real life, and they will always chime in after a while. Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by PhantomPhreak on Friday, August 7, 2009 1:05 PM

I think there are several reasons why you don't see the automotive side of this forum with more participation than the other sections.

First, and this has been touched on before, but I'll say it again.  It's no big secret that FSM is geared more toward armor, aircraft and the like with a spattering of subjects such as ships and sci-fi tossed in for good measure.  I have even noticed in FSM's special issues that the emphasis is on military, ships, and so forth. There is very little automotive coverage there to put it mildly.

Secondly, I think there are many automotive modeling sites, probably more than those dealing with aircraft, armor and so forth. There are even forums dedicated to specific genres of automotive modeling, ie. Nascar, drag racing, street rods, big rigs, etc. You can pretty much find anything you're looking for in a specific forum when it comes to automotive modeling if you take a few minutes and Google what you're looking for.

As for what automotive forums are best, I have seen a growing number of automotive modelers exiting the Scale Auto forums and drifting to other sites to get their fixes. There are a number of reasons, the least of which is the amount of favoritism and butt kissing that goes on between a few select modelers there. The Scale Auto forums are very glique-ish and if you don't fit into the clique, then you won't experience much in the way of encouragement or input from the members there. I also don't agree with the concept that you can't even mention other modeling sites on the SA forums without fear of retribution, up to and including having your membership terminated. I'm of the firm belief there are more than enough forums and model sites on the net that can help make the hobby a better place for everyone. But, every forum has it's rules and as they say, if you don't like the rules, you can take your toys and go play somewhere else, so that's what I choose to do.

I spend time on the Model Cars Message Forum and find that atmosphere to be geared more toward what I enjoy. Gregg, Harry Pri, and the rest of the mods there run a great board and it's a very relaxed and conducive atmosphere to building models.

It can be very discouraging to take the time to post your efforts and questions only to have your input go unanswered or go without comment. Sometimes that "ata boy" is all it takes to keep the fire burning to finish a project or even start another after your current one is finished.

In closing I would just say that you shouldn't expect a whole lot of input reagrding your automotive modeling efforts here. It simply won't happen with the emphasis being out on armor, aircraft, military and other subjects. It may not be meant to be that way, but it is and us automotive modelers simply need to accept that fact and participate in forums that care and share our enthusiasm.

Here is a list of forums that are specifically dedicated to various factions of the automotive hobby:


Maybe you'll find one of these forums to be geared toward your building tastes! Hope this helpd.  :)



Later, Bri
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Posted by camo junkie on Monday, June 29, 2009 10:11 PM
well, that's a big part of it. and yes i do believe they count!
"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
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Posted by tiki kat on Monday, June 29, 2009 9:18 PM

I may have stumbled on the real answer, I just logged in and there were 33 members online and 155 guests.  If guest views count toward the total and they can't comment, there's the answer.


"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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Posted by Aaronw on Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:49 PM

 bobbaily wrote:
On a similar, but different note, I would like to see more Auto related Group Builds-a lot of different options/directions i.e., racing (even broken down into specific type), stock cars/trucks, customs, service vehicles-i.e., fire trucks, police cars, etc.  Maybe if more builders start visiting, some good (and lasting) GBs will be started....and finished.  Of course, I'm at fault for not participating as much as I would like-time constraints and too many interests-air craft, armour & autos.

The problem I've seen with the auto group builds, is they seem to peter out fairly quickly. I think many have been too narrow for the size of the community here to really get enough participation to keep it active.

We did an Emergency Vehicles group build several years ago which allowed all types (aircraft, boats, autos etc) but even with that I think we only had 2 or 3 finish of the 8 or 10 who signed up.

There was an auto specific 50's GB that started off well, but again stumbled after a bit, but I believe that was largely due to something happening to the leader of the build.

The Endurance racing build was fairly small and I believe it also faded away quietly.

The Rally racing GB seems to have died before it really started. 

If people really want to do an auto GB and have it stay active it should be very broad to draw in as many participants as possible. That way you stand a better chance of luring some of the other genre builders over to try their hand at a car model.   

Helicopter GBs have had similar problems but the 2 "generic" helicopter GBs seem to have faired better than most.

  • Member since
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Posted by bobbaily on Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:22 AM
 tiki kat wrote:

......  I actually accomplished what I set out to do with this thread, which was to get some feedback. 

Glad to know that you got the response that you were looking for.  Hope you (and others) continue to post your works for all to enjoy....even if we don't comment...Whistling [:-^]




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Posted by tiki kat on Friday, June 19, 2009 9:30 PM

I'd only participate in a group project if it's broad enough to not feel like homework.  I don't get enough modeling time as it is, so committing to build something I'm not really into won't do for me.  Our current club project is Battle of Kursk, we decided to go that way so all genres are covered, auto, armor, aircraft, figures, etc.  This way no one's left out or out of their element.


As far as the number of posts go, I really agree with those who have said that "good job" isn't really a response, but much better than the deafening silence.  I actually accomplished what I set out to do with this thread, which was to get some feedback. 

"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
  • Member since
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  • From: Nashville, TN area
Posted by bobbaily on Friday, June 19, 2009 4:54 PM
On a similar, but different note, I would like to see more Auto related Group Builds-a lot of different options/directions i.e., racing (even broken down into specific type), stock cars/trucks, customs, service vehicles-i.e., fire trucks, police cars, etc.  Maybe if more builders start visiting, some good (and lasting) GBs will be started....and finished.  Of course, I'm at fault for not participating as much as I would like-time constraints and too many interests-air craft, armour & autos.



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Posted by Bronto on Friday, June 19, 2009 12:24 PM
I don't  ost much mainly, (as this thread), by the time I get to read them the there are already many responses.  If the question has already been answered whats the point of saying the same thing?  Along the same lines, how many times do you want to read "good job" (even if it isn't).
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  • From: Brizioland
Posted by Brizio on Friday, June 19, 2009 12:03 PM
And some people are shy... :)
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  • From: The Redwood Empire
Posted by Aaronw on Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:58 AM

 tiki kat wrote:
A forum is supposed to be a dialog, a place to discuss.  I visit modeling forums to talk about models with folks who model.  I understand modeling is sort of an individual sport, where the participants are usually alone, so that can explain the lack of written responses.  But by sharing opinions, I've made several good online friends, people I would have never met without that exchange.  The armor guys in this forum sure don't have writer's block. 


I agree but "hey, neat" isn't a dialog. I probably post in one of 8 or 10 posts I read because I don't feel I have anything to add in most.


I agree autos is one of the slowest areas of this site. I also find autos is a very wide genre, you have hotrods, lowriders, racing cars (actually many subgenres right there, Nascar, Rally, F1 etc), trucks, commercial vehicles etc so not only is this a less popular segment of the site many within the segment are only interested in one or two specific areas which is probably why autos don't seem to do well in general modeling sites, but can be quite active in auto only sites.

There are a number of other auto sites out there besides SA. I used to spend a fair bit of time on SA but haven't enjoyed that site for a couple years. I've tried a few other auto sites but seem to spend most of my auto model time at Model Cars Magazine where I found a number of other SA refugees.

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  • From: Two weeks from everywhere
Posted by tiki kat on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:54 PM

 Aussie Muscle wrote:
pfft. if you're into autos, go to FSM's sister mag, Scale Auto. As for not posting on every thread, well, i'm just lazy. it's easy to hit 'back' than to write a one word reply.

The main reason I'm HERE is because I'm sick of the Scale Auto Forum.  No one said you should respond to every post, but obviously, few respond to that many.  I just looked at all the posts, including my own, with a huge difference in the views to reponses ratio and wondered why.  Isn't interesting this thread has more dialogue going than most of the model posts????

"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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Posted by smeagol the vile on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:43 PM
I know I dont do autos (tried, failed) but I dont post stuff often because when I do I only get one or two replies and by the end of the week its burried two pages Deep.


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Posted by aussiemuscle308 on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:29 PM
pfft. if you're into autos, go to FSM's sister mag, Scale Auto. As for not posting on every thread, well, i'm just lazy. it's easy to hit 'back' than to write a one word reply.
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  • From: Kristiansund, Norway
Posted by Huxy on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:02 AM

I'm not to often here in Autos, but saw this thread on the front page...


I often get 50 and more views with zero replies on many of my threads, whatever they are about.. Mainly Armour, but often Aircrafts aswell..

While other names has 20-30 replies in 50 views...

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Posted by tiki kat on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:43 AM
Actually, my intent was to prod/provoke some responses, which it has.  Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]
"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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  • From: clinton twp, michigan
Posted by camo junkie on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:34 AM

 tiki kat wrote:
A forum is supposed to be a dialog, a place to discuss.  I visit modeling forums to talk about models with folks who model.  I understand modeling is sort of an individual sport, where the participants are usually alone, so that can explain the lack of written responses.  But by sharing opinions, I've made several good online friends, people I would have never met without that exchange.  The armor guys in this forum sure don't have writer's block. 

im one of those armor guys...and i can see what your saying. you have to remember one very important thing...if someone wants to answer...they will. if they dont...they wont. my guess is if you want to make friends here with on their threads, p.m. them, post a thread in odds and ends about making friends and see who to them. you cant expect people to come to you. (not that you do/dont). like i said, i dont build cars. but if i did it would be old muscle cars only...and perhaps one day i will make the leap! but i do visit and rarely post responses on this subject. i wish you luck in your persuit and if your interested you can talk to me always up for a friend/conversation. Big Smile [:D]

"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
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Posted by tiki kat on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:29 AM
A forum is supposed to be a dialog, a place to discuss.  I visit modeling forums to talk about models with folks who model.  I understand modeling is sort of an individual sport, where the participants are usually alone, so that can explain the lack of written responses.  But by sharing opinions, I've made several good online friends, people I would have never met without that exchange.  The armor guys in this forum sure don't have writer's block. 
"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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  • From: Albuturkey New Mexico
Posted by modelmaniac1967 on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:13 AM
I kinda wonder myself, I have a large thread on the sci fi side and have a lot of views too but very little responses. I have to agree with another responder however that it may just be a good thing, instead of having a lot of responses that may not make sense or be down right creul to thier responses. Remember quality over quantity. And maybe they are just checking out the threads to gain knowledge, I mean that is one of the reasons we all participate in these forums is to share our ideas and techniques, and to learn some from others too!

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Posted by bondoman on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:50 AM
 camo junkie wrote:

 i asked this exact question in the general modeling forum. what i got mostly was alot of people wondered the same thing! the general answering reasons are pretty simple. 1) not everyone has an answer to your posting though they look at your posting to see the responses because they too wonder. 2) not everyone is available when u post. people are on at all different times of the day and night...just because u are on and posted a question...u cant expect someone else to answer it right away. 3) some people wont respond depending on how the question is phrased 4) some people dont know you and therefore may not answer though they view your post they may also have nothing "good" to say so they say "nothing"! 5) just because you post a question/etc. you cant "expect" a reply..though i agree it would be nice.

basically, if you want answers to this go and look at the responses i got in the general modeling forum...though i pretty much summed them up in the 5 basic responses!! hope that helps you and my personal advice...decide what it is your looking for/ what kind of a response. do you want an "atta boy" or are you in dire need of advice or information. just keep with it and you'll get what your looking for. btw, i dont visit this forum often because it isnt my "type"!  but i will respond if there is a nice mustang being built...but that's just me! here's the link to my question! /forums/1136161/ShowPost.aspx 

I think that is a good explanation. I belong to a bunch of forums but only post on this one, much. The biggest thing here is that people are very well mannered, as opposed to so many others where all kinds of dirt runs wild. I'd look at it as a generally positive thing. But I also agree with Bob, as a car modeler, this Forum tends to focus on aircraft and armor. However there are very quiet niches here, see ships (unless you want to get into the real colrs of the Arizona on 12/7/41!!). I don't see much cliquish behavior, but in general people think before they post. Just my two bits.
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Posted by philo426 on Monday, June 15, 2009 11:37 PM
Don't take it personally !A lot of members don't post for many reasons.I had the same expeirence on the Aeroscale forum but that is the way of many forums.I guess Cliques are not relegated to te High School expeirence!
  • Member since
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  • From: clinton twp, michigan
Posted by camo junkie on Monday, June 15, 2009 7:41 PM

 i asked this exact question in the general modeling forum. what i got mostly was alot of people wondered the same thing! the general answering reasons are pretty simple. 1) not everyone has an answer to your posting though they look at your posting to see the responses because they too wonder. 2) not everyone is available when u post. people are on at all different times of the day and night...just because u are on and posted a question...u cant expect someone else to answer it right away. 3) some people wont respond depending on how the question is phrased 4) some people dont know you and therefore may not answer though they view your post they may also have nothing "good" to say so they say "nothing"! 5) just because you post a question/etc. you cant "expect" a reply..though i agree it would be nice.

basically, if you want answers to this go and look at the responses i got in the general modeling forum...though i pretty much summed them up in the 5 basic responses!! hope that helps you and my personal advice...decide what it is your looking for/ what kind of a response. do you want an "atta boy" or are you in dire need of advice or information. just keep with it and you'll get what your looking for. btw, i dont visit this forum often because it isnt my "type"!  but i will respond if there is a nice mustang being built...but that's just me! here's the link to my question! /forums/1136161/ShowPost.aspx 

"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
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Posted by tiki kat on Monday, June 15, 2009 7:23 PM
There must be a following of the forum, because I've got more than 20 views, with only 2 responses in 1 hour.  Thank you, Bob, you are the only one who welcomed me here!
"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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Posted by bobbaily on Monday, June 15, 2009 7:04 PM
unfortunatly, there isn't a large auto following in FSM-which is a shame, since there is some great work posted here.  I've been involved in more than one group build that has faded away.  Hopefully things will get better in the future, but there is the other magazine under the same corporate umbrella that is targeted at the auto sector.  I enjoy building and viewing aircraft, armour and autos, so I'll continue to hang here.



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Posted by wingform84 on Monday, June 15, 2009 6:53 PM
You're not the only one disappointed in it.  the auto section is worst about it though.  I've posted stuff in here, aircraft, and sci-fi and almost every time, unless I'm asking for help, the auto ones are completely ignored but have a TON of views.  Ah who knows..
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Posted by tiki kat on Monday, June 15, 2009 6:45 PM
To my point exactly, 30 minutes, 5 views, zero comments.  Seems we have an abundance of lurkers and a dearth of writers.
"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry
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Why are there so many views and so few reponses to threads????
Posted by tiki kat on Monday, June 15, 2009 6:14 PM
Just started posting my work over here, thought it might be fun for a change.  I have to be honest and say I'm disappointed by all the views with few if any responses.  What gives??
"Always tell the truth, there's less to remember" Indian Larry

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