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pics are on the way

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pics are on the way
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:36 PM
hey lizardqing2 just wanted to let you know the pics are sealed and ready to go first thing in the morning so be looking for them maybe saturday? hope you like them.
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 8:59 PM
Thanks Dave I'll be looking forward to them. What a way to spend a sat. look at the pics and go play with the 1:1 ones for a while.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:29 PM
Hey, im going to re-shoot the 78 dodge this weekend to try and get some closer shots, if they come out any better i will send them your way.
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:36 PM
Appreciate it. If you ever need any reference pics of a different type truck let me know, I have access to a variety of different trucks. My department is by no means standard through out. If you like older ones I can for sure be a help.
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    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:44 PM
cool, i kind of have a passion for rigs from the 50s on up to around the mid 70s. and youll see in the pics i really like the white paint scheme. dont know why everything up here seems to be painted either red or the god forsaken yellow-green, yuk
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:49 PM
ill be starting my dump truck conversion this weekend, had to wait till payday so i can go buy all the sheet styrene ill need to get the rescue body done, hoping it comes out as good as the dodge, i wasnt to happy over the outcome of the silverado, it had some fit problems with the cab. the cab was a bit twisted and i should have tryed to get it straight before i painted it, but it really didnt show up that much until i went to put the whole thing together, who hasnt had that problem?
  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:50 PM
well we don't do anything but red down here. there is one city around where i work that does white. I never understood the yellow ones even though we did have a 55 small type mack next to my station before the county sold it for $500. We do have a 70's something 4x4 engine that lokks like nothing else i have ever seen though. I'll try to get a pic of it and email it to you , it's on the other side of the county from and thankfully dose not run to often. I guess reference pics are never a problem for you though as everybody loves to show off thier rigs.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:56 PM
Ive got all kinds of books on just about every type of apparatas made, theres a local vol. dept not to far from my house that puts on a show every 4th of july to raise cash for the dept. they always have a bunch of retired units up there, lots of photo ops. im going up next year with a bunch of my models to put out for display, ive been going for the last 5 years and have yet to see any models so i hope i get a good response.
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    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:01 PM
i think this is so cool to have someone with the same interests to gab to. my father is a retired policeman so i built cop cars for years, wish i still had all of those, and then about 10, or 12 years ago i got the bug to start building what i really liked old fire trucks. some of the guys i work with think im nuts, but then again i think they are.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 18, 2003 11:25 PM
where abouts in GA. are you? i spent some time in over at ft. gotdon when i was in the army, but really didnt travel any where except into agusta. just wondering, trenton, where im from is about 40 miles north/easof cincinnati and 40 or so south/west of dayton.
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Friday, September 19, 2003 12:31 PM
I am in Dahlonega which is about 60 miles north of Atlanta at the end of GA 400. It's close enough to be convienant but far enaough that everyone there thinks it's the boonies. I've never been to Ohio, been as far north as the last exit in KY on 75 , guess I could'nt bring my self to leave the south!
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 19, 2003 2:41 PM
you aint missing nothing i can say thay for sure.
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Friday, September 19, 2003 9:01 PM
Must not be seeing how everyone seems to be moving down here.
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    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 20, 2003 6:38 AM
well its saturday, im hoping you receive those pis today,im kind of excited to hear what you say about them, ive never had my work looked at by someone who had knowledge as to what they are looking at.hope you like.
  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Saturday, September 20, 2003 4:06 PM
I did get them, actually my wife walked in with them about when I got on here. Very impressinve work you have there. Alot of real neat trucks to. The picture quality is pretty good to, alot of them are better than what I get from my digital. The only real thing that I could make a suggestion on is how hose lay are, don't worry we have problems on the real ones all the time. With the lays if you lay the hose with the ends even all the way up , then someone is going to be in the road cleaning up a big mess. The load I saw you had is called a flat lay and the ends of each layer stager short and long. Also if you are going for the real llok smudge up the supply hose a bit as it most always gets put back on the truck without washing it good( at least here it does).Nothing major just a little thing I noticed that only a firefighter would pick up on. I was wondering though what you use for the hose. I really liked the Peterbuilt, thats one tough looking truck. There's a station in a county north of us that has a 68 Dodge that looks about like that with out the rear seats and it's white. Nice looking truck but they said it don't like the mountains.
Thanks for sending the pics, really enjoyed seeing your work. I will try to get some scanned as soon as I can and get them sent , depends on when I can get up with a buddy of mine.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:33 PM
Hey glad you liked them. for my hose i use shoe strings , there in the hose bed of the white alf, i dont think i took a very good photo of the hose bed so you probably cant see them, the hose thats on the reels is from some rubber 'o-rings' we use at work, i just cut them and wind them up on the reels and then ca glue them in place,i try to use all the same size but we do have larger and smaller ones, also black and dark and light brown, i think the light brown looks pretty real? we'll glad you liked them, hope to see them in the future on here. thanks again , probably be back on here sunday night after 10:30 when i get to work,i usually stay on here at work, one of the benefits of working 3rd shift and being the boss. talk at ya later.
  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:24 AM
I would'nt have thought it was shoestring. I have seen some of the small flat leather shoe strings and thought that might work if I ever did one though but I guess cloth ones would have the look of the cloth jacket. The booster reels do very good, they are pretty handy to have at times to even though I think only 3 of our trucks have one. Have you ever done any firefightin or are you just a buff? I was a buff until I got the chance and was baptized by old man fire and been crazy ever since. I'll email you a pic of my engine and maybe you could tell me how hard it would be for me to try and build it. I would say the tanker would be easier to start out with though.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:53 PM
yea the trick to the shoe strings is to cover most of them up with the tarp, terry jesse has a book out about detaling emergency equipment, hes a contibutor for scale auto mag. buy this book!!!! it has helped me out alot.they advertise it in scale auto, maybe even fine scale modeler, but try to find this book, really alot of good ideas. i always wanted to be a fire eater, but i injured my back in 88, three years after i got out of the army, i did take the civil service test in 86 and was put on the list of qualified candidates, but had to drop out because of my back. so i guess i live out my dreams through my models and by always supporting my local vol. dept. thats about the best i can do anymore, ive had a total of 3 operations on my back, had disks removed and all that good junk. somedays im lucky if i can bend over and tie my shoes, let alone carry a 150 pound dummy down a ladder from the second floor.but any way enough babbling, opened the box for the dump truck yesterday, im thinking heavy rescue or maybe a suppor service truck with water rescue on board?? ill have to think this one out this week a little. see ya.
  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:05 PM
Sorry to hear about your back. But haveing community support can be as important to us as haveing another pair of hands. I'll have to try and get that book if I can . Good luck with the next one which ever way you go.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:07 PM
thanks, im surprised you didnt comment on my ever ready dalmation, you know every well stocked dept has to have one of those.
  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:16 PM
Yea thats right I forgot about that. We did have one that was deaf and half blind but went on to better things. Good lookin pup though, blended in so well with the trucks that I forgot about it. So is it any good at sniffing out those flying parts that get away so easily?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:24 PM
only if one flies off the table and hits him in the head, seems his favorite spot is right under my feet, i dont know how many times hes messed me up when im detail painting by knocking the table turning over, but hes my buddy, always agrees with me and sees things from my point of view!also forgot to ask you about the two caddy ambulances, have you seen the model form johan before? do you remember when the caddy was the king in the ambulance field? i thought they fit in pretty good with my 'elmira f.d.' units.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:27 PM
was looking at some of the profiles of members on line right now and i see 'pigfarmer' is a vol. firefighter. wonder if he builds any apparatas? nobody has replied to my question on that?we cant be the only ones building these are we?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2003 11:33 PM
cris, seen your dio the other day and that sparked my mind into trying to do one of a house fire or maybe an auto accident, or maybe some kind of tribute to the heros of 911, what do you think?

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