Need to make slow blinking LEDs??? PLS HELP...
First off, thanks to all those that have helped me in the past with LED/ FO lighting questions. The dio is coming off pretty well. So well, in fact, that I've decided to up the anty...
On the figures in the dio, I've decide to add in Stobe lights. I've taken care of other LED lighting in the dio with cheap LED flashlights. However, all flashing LEDs that I find int he stores blink way too fast for what I want ... about 1x flash/ sec .... or even 1.5 secs.
Can someone here please tell me what I'd need to purchase IOT make this happen? Also, I need to make four LEDs flash ... at four different times, as I don't want all the strobes to be going off all at once.
If someone can help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance.