No need to apologize for your opinion, we are all entitled to them. As long as you don't go around harrasing people on the boards that have different interests I dont think anyone will have a problem with hearing an opinion. I personally don't like armor kits because they are too realistic for me, though I know part of this is because I'm afraid I wouldn't be good enough too make it realistic.
I actually think modelers that can take these anime kits and make them a little more realistic are very talented. Your Ball looks great. I like the colors and those little red lines, the wires, OMG. What are you painting with, a fly hair? This is looking very good. I think he looks a little like R2D2 with those blue rectangles on top.
Now, as for being true to the anime or doing it "wrong", there's no such thing. Someone on here will probably tell you that a Ball would be destroyed long before it could actually take that much paint damage, but I want to see your weathering so don't listen. There's no reason this couldn't be an ace Ball pilot that survives.
Overall, your build is shaping up great. I can't wait to see your progress and if you ever feel like putting the realistic touch on any of those other anime kits you go right ahead, and take lots of pictures.