I guess I'm one of the very few individuals who actually really enjoyed the US Godzilla (or at least will admit it).
Not really as "Godzilla," the legend we know and love and don't want changed, but as a cool giant monster flick, well done, with good production values and excellent special effects. I really liked the US Godzilla design, too. A complete deviation from the Toho design and personality (running from tanks? Hah!), but still a cool design and charactor in its own right.
I think what most folks were disappointed about is that the state of the art SFX technology wasn't applied to the good ol' Toho design, which, admittedly, disappointed me, too. Sure would have liked to have seen the '91 G design get the big budget FX treatment!
Well, Toho has one more shot at it before G retires, so let's see what they can do!
I can't wait to see what they do with the designs of the ten other monsters that will be featured!