I've been messing around with my 3D printer lately and recently after seeing Beaglej66's print for his Seeker starship from the Traveller Role Playing Game I took al look on the internet for other scifi themed 3D models and came across a 3D model for a starship escape pod (that I think is mostly meant for wargaming), which I thought it looked interesting so I downloaded it and printed it.
Its not much of an actual build since its really only four main part (plus three connector links) but it does have some nice molded in textures and features. I'm still working on the paint job, but decided to paint it light orange with a black bottom since it kind of looked to me like a cross between a "lifting body" space craft and a modern enclosed lifeboat that you might see on a modern cruise ship or passenger ship. The top, front and back pieces are all connected by plastic links, I gues so you can pen it up if using it in a miniatures type game (or maybe just so that you can see inside).
It printed up pretty easily but in the end I've been thinking that if I were to try and do it again I might try and see if I could break the internal part into a couple separate pieces to try and make it easier to paint them before putting everything together. I still have some more painting and detailing to do both inside and out, and then maybe I might try to weather or "age" it about to try and make it look like its been in use for awhile.