I'm not too much into Naval, but a nice one, not surfaced tho', in my opinion, not surfaced tho', is U-864 aginst HMS Venture. U-864 had several tons of alot of different materials onboard, and some scientists. This was all going to Japan via Norway and Russia. It took place in 1945.
U-864 docked at Bergen, Norway and shortly went out to sea again. HMS Venture got reports of a German uboat in the area of Bergen and started hunting the U-864.
Fedje, just north of Bergen, the two submarines met. Both was surfaced and quickly diving. HMS Venture fired 4 torpedoes, and one did infact hit the U-864 in the middle, blowing away a part of the conningtower.
This small clash was the first, and only, time in history One submarine took out another one while both were underwater. And U-864 still lay on the bottom, just outside Fedje, and is an enviromental catasrophy with the different materials it had..
Hope it can be to any help, or interest. :)