You could be right. There is conflicting information. Looking at the layout of the model, even the capstans would have to be placed under the fo'c'sle and quarter deck. They would not be visible on the finished model. This brings us back to the frequent complaint about this model . . . too little deck furniture. Perhaps I should limit my efforts to the galley stack and the chicken coop.
Which leads me to a question; if this kit is maligned over the furniture issue, why are no other kits of ships from the same period (Royal Sovereign, Prince, etc.) not equally maligned for having precisely the same furniture limitations as Le Soleil Royal?
I sincerely believe that this kit has been unfairly criticised. Granted, Heller provided no way to attach the yards to the masts. But, their HMS Victory also has no way to do so, yet, these same critics proclaim it to be the finest ship kit produced! The critics proclaim the lower hull to be mis-proportioned, yet drawings in Les Vaisseaux . . . show the same underwater hull forms and proportions on French first and second rates of the period. Much of the criticism seems unfair and inaccurate.