Hi Everyone!
Well, I'm a big scale addict, so it was only a matter of time until I found the Russian Trumpeter. Or is it the Trumpeter Russian? Anyway, I'm about 80% complete on the 1/350 North Carolina I've been working on for at least month now (I'm retired, so I can obsess on these things), swearing that I'll never buy another Trumpeter kit again (thick attach points on the sprues, mediocre fit with big parts, etc), when my 1/200 search on eBay brings the Sovremenny into my view.
All the kit reviews were encouraging, I found a decent price on line ($90), so it's on the way. I've seen some threads on here about it, some pics included, but no real build commentary. I'm wondering that with 847 parts, what do you folks who have tried this kit think of it?
I'm thinking it's going to be about 6 months to get this one together, averaging about 4 hours build time a day.