My LHS had a couple of the kits in stock, so despite all of it's limitations, I bought one. I did feel a bit like Charlie Brown carrying home the sparse, unwanted Christmas Tree.
Some good news though. In looking at the kit in person and comparing the kit to the Swedish reconsruction of the East Indiaman Gotheborg, the kit does have the general proportions right even if it probably does not really represent a French East Indiaman of 1760 vintage. After looking at the Gotheborg, I felt a lot better about the general proportions of the kit.
By the way, at you can download a PDF of the "Old East Indiamen" which is pretty interesting account of the operations and ships of the East India Company.
I'm going to build the BHR as a generic East Indiaman - I'm working up a build plan now but thinking that mods to the kit will include opening up the waist hatch (presently covered by a soild grating), mounting a small deck below and mounting some beams across the waist to mount ships boats, and planking in a good stretch of the quarterdeck (I have a bunch of parts from an old Airfix Victory kit that I picked up a few years ago that had everything except the hull).
Will post details and pictures as I proceed. Work is interfering with my hobbies again, so it may take a bit.