Hi guys, been a while since my last post. I thought retirement was supposed to free up all kninds of time for other pursuits! Oh well.
So making small amounts of progress on Constitution, for example, after my disasterous breakage of my Dolphin Strikers AND snapping the bowsprit in 2, I lost tons of time repairing the damage and while waiting for various glues and Milliput fillers to dry, I decided to address the gaping hole in the Spar Deck where the bowsprit makes its way down to the gun deck. no way I was going to use that ugly box ladder Revell provided. because I didn't use all the brass gratings that came with the photo-etched sheets from Blue Jacket, I figured a cut and shaped piece, surrounded by coming would suffice, easy peazy!
I began with filling from the underside with black styrene
Next was to build the grate/coming assembly
Installation was very straightforward came out pretty good I think, waaaay better than the Revell solution to this hole