Lindbergh still does make this ship as "Blackbeard Pirate Ship". It is smaller than the Airfix kit but does have the wood grain molded onto the hull sides. Lindbergh also has the old solid plastic preformed sails molded onto the yards. It's not a bad kit by any means (at least the gun ports are opened) but the cannon barrels are molded onto strips in rows to project out of the ports. And, of course, the molded shrouds and ratlines are junk.
Other kits include the Wappen von Hamburg as the "Captain Kidd" pirate ship, La Flore and the "Captain Kidd" pirate ship, and the Saint Louis as the Captain Harry Morgan pirate ship. I don't know if Lindbergh ever released the Gouda as one in this series.
These kits are not bad at all. Some even have the entire gun decks. They can be built into nice representations of the original ships if you scrap the pirate flags and name plates.
Oh well, I hope that I helped!