Today, I went to Stan’s to pick up my model of PT-191. I am very impressed with the finished model. Stan truly did an excellent job on it. I feel that it is one of his best efforts. To give me what I wanted; a PT-191 as she appeared in 1944/45, when RON 12 was station in the Philippines, Stan took the following from 1:48 Merit’s late-war Elco 80-footer PT kit:
The 40mm, M3 Bofors gun
Two 20mm Oerlikon guns on Mark XIV mounts
Four ready-service lockers
The cradle for the SO-radar
And the following parts ordered from
A 37mm M4 on a Mark XIV mount
A twin .50-cal machine gun (which the 191 had field-mounted forward of her starboard forward torpedo rack)
A SO-radar mast and dome
The Depth charges
The mufflers
And, combined them with Merit’s early-war Elco 80-footer PT kit. The model is depicted in Measure 31/5P. The paints came from AK INTERACTIVE, via Merit (and Tony Chin). The 48-star flag is from AMP and the decals were especially-created for me by Mark from STARFIGHTER DECALS.
Here are some photos: