Hi Nino;
Hey it's all fun, Right? On a whim I bought a Cobi Kit of a Patrol Craft for a neighbor Child. He is bedridden but I don't remember the name of his ailment. Funny, In his scrunched little short body he flashes a big smile and says he doesn't either! He had me build it for him although he said he was afraid to drop bricks and not finish it.
His smile says it all. I sat with him and built a Cobi F-4U-4 and a Tank too!. His face just glows when I come over. He said I am the only Grown Up friend he has! Actually the only one his parents will allow. He said when he can travel a little more this summer he'll have his Dad get a Cobi Kit that Kicks my @33! Knowing he'll try!
P.S. He certainly has shown me that worries about model stuff is piddling compared to life! Companies will do what they do, even shoot themselves in the Bottom line trying to read the buyers. So it's all good for me. I just scratch the bottoms and go from there. 1/700 is not my favorite scale though. It's hard on the 78 year old optical orbs.