I have this strange addiction to 1/700 aircraft carriers. Over the past year and a half, I have built three of them and now am about to embark on my fourth.
My father served on the Lexington from 1955 thru 1957, so I have built it a number of times from the old Revell and Renwall kits, and back in 1991, scratchbuilt it in 1/700, but I never built the Lex in its WW2 configuration. I did just complete CV2.
The Lexington was commissioned and put to sea in February 1943, so I signed up to do the Dragon kit in 1/700 for the 1943 Group Build. I had a wonderful experience with the Dragon 1/700 scale Randolph kit when I used it as a base to build the USS Oriskany. So I look forward to enjoying building their Lexington.
I hope to round out my collection.
I decided to try my hand at doing a build log, please bear with me, I work full time and have many other hobbies, so I may not be posting for days, but here we go..........