I have to offer a contrary viewpoint to my friend here. It sounds like the paint isn't sticking to the foil, as opposed to staying tacky or not drying etc.
This, my esteemed colleage , was my greater fear, come to cases.
I was, in myy fumbling way, trying to offer ways to preserve the artisitc effort here, hoping against hope that is was a sealing issue, and not an adherence issue.
If only to prevent haing to strip down to the bare foil, and hit that foils with something to give it "tooth" and refinishing.
We modelers are often our own worst critics, and will rage agains the inperfection, rather than finding it a building block for our future.
OP did an incredible job here. Which deserves reiteration. Can some of us do better. Perhaps, a freakishly small minority, a tortured minority, as in every human endeavor, there are laways those who do better than our best.
We each navigate those shoals and shallows that threaten to founder us, each to our visions of what should be.
Which is a convoluted way for e to wish that OP takes this as a great starting point and goes on to futher greatness. But, there has been much excellent Merlot on this Hogmanay, and I might be a tad overcome thereby.