Neato! Next to mark the boot. There are a lot of really high quality photos on Navsource, if you've checked them out.
Even one with an autogyro on deck!
Yep, found some new pics there that did not show up in Google Images. And have the block drilled for pencil to draw boot line, but ran out of time to scribe in.
I did get a coat of Tamiya fine primer last night. The kit called out Testors light gull gray. I fortunately have two bottles of that in my stash. But it looks a little dark to me. The primer looks just right for what I suspect it looked like. I know it is hard to tell anything from a black and white photograph, but I have been doing B&W photography for about seventy years, and feel I am pretty good at determining shades of gray from them, so I will be using the primer for hull and deckhouse color. It may be a little on the warm side, but it will be hard to prove me wrong.